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Dienstag, Mai 19, 2009

China slowly sneaking in...

ENGLISH: (German below, Deutsch unten!)

Let's hope this is just a story made up by the (non-China-friendly) opposition: LINK

The story from the Taipei times asserts, the Taiwan government would prepare to have mainland China policemen (so, police officers from the People's Republic of China) being stationed in Taiwan.'

The Orks are coming! (photo from company server, but not so cute this time)

Oh, great times ahead. Our pro-Chinese president Ma already made an economic union with China and next step will be "political talks". Well, I really hope this isn't true, I really really would not want to live in a country where I have to deal with Mainland China police.

And I have an allergy. You know, once they put these electrodes on me I get a skin irritation and tingle there.

That song starts playing in my head again "Hit the road, Jack...."
With the People's Police and the People's liberation army (I guess that might be next) coming, I guess it's time for a farewell party for our little Taiwan democracy.

Was fun with you. Will miss you. Sort of.

[Right now this might be a scare of the opposition and not true. But I guess it will only be a couple of years to become reality]

Further reading: recommended read on China and Taiwan

German, Deutsch:

Scheinbar plant die chinafreundliche Regierung Taiwans, chinesische Polizisten in Taiwan zu stationieren, sicher der Anfang vom Ende der Demokratie. Statt meinen eigenen schon resignatorischen Beitrag mühevoll zu übersetzen, lest einfach DIESEN HIER, von Klaus, einem hamburger Journalisten, der Taiwan gut kennt.

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